StudyCorgi Course on Research & Citation Is Now Available for Free

February 25
Published 3 months ago By Admin

With it, learners will get comprehensive guidance on researching and citing academic sources.

Atlanta, GA., November 18, 2024

After months of hard work, StudyCorgi has launched its new product: Research and Citation Basics Course. The course will help students develop skills in searching for credible sources, processing them, and applying key citation rules correctly. It complements the platform’s other educational resources, including free writing tools, an essay sample database, a study and career blog, and a collection of research topics.

“We are excited to introduce our free Research & Citation course as part of our mission to empower students with high-quality, accessible learning tools. This course will simplify complex academic processes in which research and proper citing play a key role.”- Olha Stoliarchuk, CEO

The three main chapters of the course are:

  • Academic Honesty
  • Searching for Sources
  • Citation Basics

Each section starts with a theoretical part, continues with detailed explanations, and finishes with a test. Spanning 14 lessons, this syllabus integrates practical sessions and literature overviews. 

Such structure is beneficial for multiple reasons: 

  1. It makes it more effortless to familiarize oneself with the sophisticated rules of selecting credible sources and citing them. 
  2. It provides a well-balanced pace for learners to grasp nuanced information about sources and their citations effectively.
  3. It allows students to apply their newly acquired knowledge immediately.

StudyCorgi’s course can be beneficial for anyone who wishes to boost their research and writing skills. It is especially suitable for high school and college students, though any person looking to refine their expertise would find the syllabus valuable. The course will help attendees understand APA and MLA formats and teach them how to evaluate credible sources and avoid plagiarism. Ideal for beginners and those seeking to hone their skills, it provides the materials one needs to succeed in academic and professional environments.

The course is online and accessible from any electronic device supporting the Internet. Students can join at any time by filling out the simple form on the website. One can sign up using a working email address or via:

  • Apple Account
  • Facebook
  • Google Account
  • LinkedIn

Learners can engage in the study process right after authorization – no approval via email link is needed. Since all study materials become accessible immediately, one can choose which lecture to begin with. However, it is best to follow the lessons in the intended order, as planned by creators.

About StudyCorgi

StudyCorgi is a leading educational solution platform that started in 2019 as a collection of free essays to help students master academic writing. With a mission to make education accessible and effective for all, the company has shared over 66.000 essay samples, launched 63 automated writing tools, published 105 helpful posts about college and careers on its blog, and individually assisted thousands of learners. And these numbers are growing daily, thanks to the team of researchers, editors, science writers, designers, IT specialists, and talented managers. StudyCorgi has revolutionized approaches to learning, supporting students in tackling the most complicated tasks. The platform has already gained recognition for its innovative methods and continues to expand its resources with a strong commitment to academic integrity and ethical practices

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